Public safety depends on the relationships we build around the values we share.

In order to strengthen and ensure public safety,
we must improve our district attorney’s office.

Zach’s Priorities
for Our Community

For Our Kids

  • Both science and common sense tell us that children and adults are different. Children should be treated differently than adult offenders in our criminal justice system.

  • I’m committed to using alternative prosecution programs, such as diversion and our Immediate Intervention Program, as well as partnering with local organizations to get our kids the help they need to get back on the right track and stay there.

  • In Johnson County, far too many families are familiar with the school-to-prison pipeline, especially those coming from communities of color. I will work with our school districts to ensure that our community isn’t criminalizing behavior unnecessarily.

For Our Neighbors

  • Our county jail has been called the largest mental health hospital in the state of Kansas –This is unacceptable. Getting individuals the treatment they need is the best way to ensure our neighbors are taken care of because they have the support they need to not become a repeat offender. A proactive approach to mental health will save taxpayer dollars; more importantly, it will improve as well as save lives.

  • We need to increase the collaboration between the District Attorney’s office and Johnson County Mental Health Center to ensure we provide the best outcomes for both individuals and our community.

  • There is overwhelming evidence that drug courts, courts that provide accountability and intentional rehabilitation, are far more effective and less expensive than jail time for low-level drug crimes for our neighbors struggling with addiction. We need to expand our use of drug courts here in Johnson County.

  • The aging population is growing every year in Johnson County while, at the same time, the use of technology for fraud and scams becomes all the more complex. I will ensure the consumer protection division is aggressive in prosecution and community education about organizations that are taking advantage of them.

For Our Future

  • We will keep our community safe by dedicating more time, skills, and resources to prosecuting violent crimes effectively while optimizing the resources spent deliberately addressing low-level crimes.

    Going further, guns are more readily available today than ever before. We need a District Attorney who is going to properly and adequately punish those who violate current gun laws.

    As District Attorney, I will be an advocate for common sense gun laws.

  • Taxpayers deserve to know how the District Attorney’s Office is allocating resources and processing cases. I’m committed to increasing transparency and accountability for the work of the District Attorney’s Office.

  • Utilizing evidenced-based practices like drug court, diversion, and mental health support will save Johnson County taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars annually.

One last but important point: Personal medical choices, like those involving reproductive health care, are private and should be left to the individual in consultation with their physician.

Have a specific question for Zach? Email him at